Looking to stay up to date about all of the news stories and local headlines that are important to Long Islanders? We've rounded up the top coverage for all of the important topics from multiple sources around Long Island, so you can be sure you've got the most recent update on the top stories for Long Island. Have an idea for a news story? Email us at news@longisland.com
By Debra Scala Giokas August 29, 2000
Each week, millions of people tuned into the hit show Survivor to see who would be "voted off the Island" and who would form "an alliance." As hindsight is 20/20, it should have come as ...
By selfemployment August 28, 2000
"ON YOUR OWN"- COLUMN 4- Diamonds in Your Backyard In our last column, I said we'd be looking at one of the best sources for customers for any business. As a voracious reader of business ...
By massagetherapy August 28, 2000
Learning to Rub People The Right Way on Long Island Hi again! So you still think you wanna be a Massage Therapist. Good for you! What do you think you'd like to specialize in? Sports ...
By dogtraining August 28, 2000
My wife was asked to staff the Seafood Festival in West Sayville this past Sunday. Jen works for Saturn and they had a booth at the festival. Jen asked me to meet her there and ...
By babystuff August 28, 2000
The other day I was relaxing in my glider. The glider was new 2 years ago. It was given to me when I was expecting my son Luc. All ...
By photography August 27, 2000
Ever walk into your favorite photo lab or drug store needing a roll of film and get confused by the large wall of yellow and green boxes behind the counter? You may ask yourself, Which ...
By tennis August 25, 2000
USTA League National Contenders Sectional Results Going to nationals from Long Island are the ladies' 2.5 team, ladies' 3.0 and men's 3.0, all from Blue Point. ######################################## Denise Jordan has been named the new Executive
By karaoke August 25, 2000
By sbaloans August 25, 2000
In my years of helping business owners obtain SBA loans, I have heard many misconceptions about the U.S. Small Business Administration's programs. These myths have ranged from who is eligible to receive a SBA loan ...
By weightloss August 25, 2000
Here you go, this is a variation on what is served in Japanese restaurants. 1 cup carrots 1/2 cup onion 1/4 cup celerey 1/4 cup Seasoned Rice Vinegar 1/8 cup light (not lite) soy sauce ...
By collegelife August 25, 2000
Well, I am not sure if you, or anyone else has noticed.... But I've been missing for quite a while. I've had some back problems that have kept me ...
By lacrosse August 25, 2000
Hello all. Well it is the end of August-beginning of fall and the weather is perfect thus far. I realize that school is right around the corner, but that doesn't mean that your lacrosse sticks ...
By homesafety August 24, 2000
The Power of Hurricanes Walls torn from concrete buildings, 15-foot trees ripped from the earth, 20-foot waves crashing to shore. The power of hurricanes is awesome. Hurricanes can spawn tornadoes. Floods and flash floods are ...
By horticulture August 24, 2000
Well the summer (if thats what you want to call it!) is almost over, and fall is rapidly approaching. Now is the time to start planning any renovations to your lawn(seeding, sodding) or any plantings ...
By poetry August 23, 2000
Like all art, poetry is opinion. I am of the opinion that "everything" is poetry. Yes, even bad poetry serves a purpose. I've learned more from bad poets than great poets. They can be used ...
By children August 23, 2000
All parents believe they do everything on earth to protect their child against harm. They warn their kids about talking to strangers, reassure them that the doors are locked, cover electrical sockets, put fences around ...
By poetry August 23, 2000
Poetry is the air I breathe, the food I eat, and the blood that runs hotly through my veins. It sustains me. During the dry spells, (writer's block) I find myself feeling only half-alive. Charles ...
By dogtraining August 22, 2000
This past weekend I finally kept a promise to myself and took one of my dogs camping. Elwood, my 2 y/o lab was the lucky winner. He camped, slept in a tent, met other people, ...
By residentialre August 18, 2000
Think those big-ticket additions to your home will bring similarly big bucks when you sell? You may want to think again. According to Emeryville, Calif.-based HomeGain.com, which matches home sellers and buyers with agents, many ...
By autoleasing August 17, 2000
By JOE SPIRIO The 2000 model year has been a bit wacky and unpredictable right from the get-go. Most of us who usually have a handle on whats happening in the world of Leasing & ...