Looking to stay up to date about all of the news stories and local headlines that are important to Long Islanders? We've rounded up the top coverage for all of the important topics from multiple sources around Long Island, so you can be sure you've got the most recent update on the top stories for Long Island. Have an idea for a news story? Email us at news@longisland.com
By massagetherapy October 02, 2000
Learning to Rub People The Right Way on Long Island Ahhhhhhhh. The subtle smell of herbal lotions and sweet, clear essential oils. There's a peaceful glow of a candle standing on the dresser, ...
By gardening September 30, 2000
Harvesting your sunflowers 5 easy steps to a great snack STEP 1: Look for heads that are wilted and have begun to dry out. Remember, not all of your sunflowers will be ready to harvest ...
By photography September 30, 2000
Now that Fall is here you may be planning a vacation or long weekend to go see the beautiful leaves change color. Listed below are some helpful numbers to keep you up to date on ...
By babystuff September 28, 2000
I was just searching on my favorite LI Search Engine ::::ahem:::: and I found these great things to do with my son! Check 'em out! By the way, I'm ...
By familywellness September 28, 2000
Halloween brings man things to mind... friends, fun, costumes, and of course, trick or treating. More recently, however, Halloween has become an opportunity to break the rules and test the boundaries of acceptable behavior. The ...
By estateplanning September 27, 2000
Reprinted From The ADVANTAGE Volume: XVIII, Issue: VII 2000 Long Term Care Insurance Deductibles Premiums for Long Term Care Insurance for 2000 can be deducted as a medical expense to the extent they eceed 7.5% ...
By lisingles September 26, 2000
Well faithful (and few) I am adjourning my duties as Singles Nightlife Goddess for a couple of days. But do not fret. When I get back I will be well rested and have a pluthera ...
By animalpsychology September 26, 2000
At my radio station last Sunday I received an API report regarding the statistics for mortality due to dog bites. The dogs cited for the highest incidents of deadly bites were the Rottweiler and the ...
By autoleasing September 26, 2000
By Joe Spirio Long Island Auto leasing update Auto lease payments have always been a mysterious series of calculations, that produce a monthly payment often without detectable rhyme or reason, an uncomfortable mathematical blind spot ...
By employeebenefits September 24, 2000
If you are like many Long Islanders, your companies' health plan offering is one of the many HMO carriers available in this marketplace. Whatever your views on managed care are there seems to be a ...
By transportation September 22, 2000
BY RICH KNUTSON Here it is... September. Labor Day weekend. Time for the kids to go back to school. Summer vacations are but a memory. Speaking of summer vacations, I had an opportunity to go ...
By babystuff September 22, 2000
Port Jefferson had a festival last weekend (which I didn't know about until that day or I would have told you all about it.) My husband and I took our son Luc and walked around ...
By stressreduction September 21, 2000
Remember when there was a busy time on the roads? Remember rush hour on the LIE? Were you around when Grumman emptied its gates at 4:30pm, Republic Aviation finished up its day, and it seemed ...
By sellingyourhome September 20, 2000
Take a step outside your home and look at it from a buyers perspective. When a buyer pulls up to your home what they see is their "first impression" of your home. Try to make ...
By printing September 19, 2000
How to Avoid Hidden Costs When Buying Printing There are helpful people and there are people waiting to take advantage of you in every business, no matter what you are doing; planning a vacation, redecorating ...
By printing September 19, 2000
With the installation of our new 6-color Digital Color Offset Press, quality color printing is within everyone's reach. You no longer have to rely on the copy centers for small quantities of important color printing. ...
By residentialre September 18, 2000
1. One Month Before The Move Clean out your closets, attic, basement, cupboards, toy chests and bookshelves. Discard anything you don't want or need. Consider having a tag or garage sale. Donate unwanted items to ...
By Debra Scala Giokas September 15, 2000
1. Know yourself. You must know what makes you unique in the workplace so that you will be able to sell yourself with confidence. What activities do you enjoy doing? What is your comfort level? ...
By babystuff September 14, 2000
Eastern Gymnastics Center 32 Southern Blvd, Nesconset, NY 11767 631-360-9737 My son was never really all that crazy about cra
By fishing September 14, 2000
The wind blows at my back and the saltwater sprays against my skin. The tide pulls on my body and the rain washes away the salt from my face. The water on my glasses hampers ...