Looking to stay up to date about all of the news stories and local headlines that are important to Long Islanders? We've rounded up the top coverage for all of the important topics from multiple sources around Long Island, so you can be sure you've got the most recent update on the top stories for Long Island. Have an idea for a news story? Email us at news@longisland.com
By weightloss November 06, 2000
A very interesting study by one of the doctors that I work with. Herbal Therapy for the Treatment of Obesity By: Bruce Sindler, M.D. About the Author I am board certified in internal medicine and ...
By employeebenefits November 06, 2000
Effective January 1st, 2001 small businesses and their employees who don't have any health insurance will have an opportunity to purchase low cost health insurance. New York State's new "Healthy New York" program is set ...
By homesafety November 05, 2000
Greetings, Hal here. This months article is all about winter months and the safety issues that are so very important to all of us in our homes. PLEASE take a moment to brush up on ...
By ferrets November 05, 2000
Welcome to the wonderful world of ferrets!! I'll be your guide to these loveable pets also fondly referred to as slinkies and carpetsharks. When people find out that I own ferrets as pets, I get ...
By islanders November 05, 2000
I hate afternoon games. Always have, always will. It's not because the team it still waking up, playing with that glazed over look in their eyes. It's because I have that glazed over ...
By weightloss November 04, 2000
Life is full of choices and making the right ones affects us everyday. Your daily choices on food are no different. Breakfast - Don't skip it Need something sweet? Donuts - No, Muffin, Yes. No ...
By children November 04, 2000
As Thanksgiving approaches, I fondly recall some of memories of Thanksgiving dinners and rituals shared with my children . Just as we were about to have our dinner we would take turns telling each other ...
By healthandfitness November 04, 2000
People find many ways to stay focused and motivated in order to exercise. Some motivational methods are more successful than others. The trick is to find out what works for you. Motivation can also take ...
By childwriting November 04, 2000
After you have created your three story basics: setting, characters, and action. Now you are ready to create conflict. To make it an interesting story, you're going to need a fourth element: conflict. Without conflict, ...
By closedcircuit November 03, 2000
Closed circuit television systems, for the home, have finally reached affordability. There was a time when the price of a CCTV camera would scare the heck out of most of us, but no longer. You ...
By islanders November 01, 2000
The Islanders played host to the Boston Bruins last night. In the Halloween sprit the Islanders finished the month off above .500 at 4-3-2-0 by defeating the Bruins 4-2 on goals from Kenny Jonsson (1), ...
By beekeeping November 01, 2000
by Ray Lackey American Foulbrood (AFB) is probably the most feared of honeybee diseases. It is caused by a spore-forming bacterium, Paenibacillus larvae (P. larvae) that infests the brood and kills it in the pupa ...
By animalpsychology November 01, 2000
When the average dog owner thinks about "obedience", the thought of "coming when called", "sitting when told to sit", "not jumping up", "not pulling on leash" are the major issues. You don't care if your ...
By islanders October 28, 2000
Champ: John Vanbiesbrouck - # 1 star of the game, 37 saves, carried the team on his back Chump: Mariusz Czerkawski - after a solid 2 game road trip (1 goal, ...
By lisingles October 28, 2000
Ok fabulous people, i have finally done it.I finally have my Picture (as horrible as it is!!!!) up. It was taken at by a co-worker of mine about a week ago at work. I hope ...
By Debra Scala Giokas October 28, 2000
Ah. I bet you thought this was going to be an article about baseball. And why not? Seven out of 10 televisions were tuned into the Subway Series. In New York, it was all everyone ...
By marriageencounter October 24, 2000
The idea of finding true love and lasting happiness has been instilled within us since early childhood. After our first bitter quarrel with a spouse, disillusionment sets in and we are thrown back to earth ...
By startupbusinesses October 20, 2000
Even if you are starting a business on a part-time basis, it is smart to write a business plan. The experts in business have documented that the amount of time you spend in planning and ...
By startupbusinesses October 20, 2000
Most of us hate the thought of creating any paperwork at all, much less the daunting task of creating a business plan which outlines our entire creative thought process with supporting evidence as to why ...