Looking to stay up to date about all of the news stories and local headlines that are important to Long Islanders? We've rounded up the top coverage for all of the important topics from multiple sources around Long Island, so you can be sure you've got the most recent update on the top stories for Long Island. Have an idea for a news story? Email us at news@longisland.com
By autoleasing December 19, 2000
The escalation of leasing that has fueled record sales in recent years is slowing to the pace of a medium size turtle. Scarce are the comfortably low lease payments that attracted so many eager buyers ...
By islanders December 16, 2000
Wow. That's one big W we had there! Now, let's keep them coming. I'm glad I made this game. I almost missed it. I arrived about 10 minutes into the first period, and took a ...
By children December 15, 2000
Nothing can put a damper on your holiday celebration faster than a disaster with the family pet. It may be the season of cheer for humans, but the holiday season can be a treacherous time ...
By islanders December 14, 2000
Champ: The "Ice Guy" - this guy worked harder than all of the Islanders combined. Shovel, fire extinguisher, ice rake...he used everything in his arsenal to get the ice repaired. Way to go! ...
By lisingles December 14, 2000
At last!!! I have had the time to finally get something new on this page. And I appologize to my millions - And millions (thanks Rock) of loving fans. Unfortunately I have been very busy ...
By selfemployment December 14, 2000
"ON YOUR OWN"- COLUMN 5- FOCUS First of all, apologies to all for the lengthy delay since the last column. I've been in Florida, counting votes, and... well, anyway, let's get down to business. One ...
By familywellness December 13, 2000
At the end of each holiday season, do you look upon your loved ones, cherish their existence, but vow never to host another holiday dinner?! Nevertheless, do you find yourself one year later, loading up ...
By islanders December 10, 2000
There was no game.. I didn't see a game, did you? I got in my car, went to the coliseum, chatted with friends, had nachos and left. The Islanders didn't play tonight. That's my story, ...
By healthyalternatives December 09, 2000
By lingerie December 05, 2000
It's time to think about gift giving. If you want to give gifts to her that will express your love and affection, here are 10 gift-giving ideas that are sure to be remembered. Give a ...
By islanders December 04, 2000
Champ: John Vanbiesbrouck - he stopped everything thrown his way. 45 saves; this game could have easily been 6-1 if Beezer hadn't stood on his head Chump: Kevin Haller - he ...
By childwriting December 03, 2000
OUR FIRST CHILD AUTHOR, Julia Elizabeth Lee Gif image from www.AmericanGreetings.com In celebration of the Holidays' we are having another contest. We would like all young people up to the age of 18 to create ...
By weightloss December 01, 2000
Here we are, Thanksgiving has passed and you pigged. Now what? Don't sweat it, that's what. One thing we all have a habit of doing is putting undue pressure on ourselves to diet going into ...
By islanders December 01, 2000
The Islanders took on one of the leagues best teams, the Toronto Maple Leafs, last night and showed some offensive promise. The Isles took a 2-0 and a 8-1 shot advantage with goals by Mariusz ...
By children December 01, 2000
It's important to keep in mind that no toy is a substitute for a grown-up's attention. Your time is one of the best gifts you can give your child during the holidays. It's a good ...
By Debra Scala Giokas December 01, 2000
This month, the best way to learn about marketing is to look and listen as you shop your way through this holiday season. I am constantly amazed. On my Monday lunch hour, I purchased a ...
By weighttraining December 01, 2000
I'd like to thank you for visiting this section. The focus of this page will be weight training, how to go about it, performing safely, targeting, supporting diet and more! Feel free to visit our ...
By animalpsychology November 29, 2000
Okay, you're in Joe's Book Emporium looking for a book on dog training or dog behavior. There are dozens of them and you don't know where to begin. You ask an employee who poinds out ...
By poetry November 29, 2000
by Priscilla Barton All right, Poets! A poetic connection has been made. I just knew there was a poet somewhere on Long Island. Mr. Corey Houlihan was good enough to E-mail me with the dates ...
By islanders November 28, 2000
We needed that. We needed that bad. When I walked into the coliseum today, I just knew it was coming. It had to come sooner or later! As I put on my jersey, while waiting ...